Friday, February 12, 2010

Captain America Declares War on the Tea Party

Well, perhaps not quite outright war, but a recent comic strip from Marvel Comics depicts the Tea Party movement in less than complimentary fashion.
"Issue 602 of the comic features Captain America investigating a right-wing anti-government militia group called "the Watchdogs". Hoping to infiltrate the group, Captain America and his African-American sidekick The Falcon observe an anti-tax protest from a rooftop. The protestors depicted are all white and carry signs adorned with slogans almost identical to those seen today in Tea Party rallies like "tea bag libs before they tea bag you" and "stop the socialists."
The comic strip has prompted shouts of outrage from Tea Party officials.

But really, who cares what the illustrator of Captain America thinks?

For one thing, keep in mind what PT Barnum supposedly said - "Any publicity is good publicity".

In complaining too loudly about this perceived slight, the Tea Party movement loses an opportunity to differentiate itself from the whiny, PC-oriented political left.

A better response would be to draw up a competing cartoon that shows Captain America being in the employ of a socialist, tyrannical, overarching central government and, in need of rescue himself, being saved by 2nd Amendment-loving private individuals. Or something like that.

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