Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Senator Boxer to investigate stolen Swiss bank account information

Senator Barbara Boxer (CA-D) will surely have something to say about Germany's recent acquisition of information concerning stolen Swiss bank accounts.
"German government officials said the country will purchase information on secret Swiss bank accounts held by its citizens if it can do so legally, even if the move puts Berlin on a collision course with Switzerland."
I know this because just a few short weeks ago, Senator Boxer was outraged and threatened an investigation when reports emerged that emails written by British scientists had been obtained by "hackers".
"This is a crime," she said, entering into the record the section of criminal code that deals with fraud connected with accessing computers without authorization. "Part of our looking at this will be looking at a criminal activity which could have well been coordinated."
Because Babs places such a high priority on acting on principle and being consistent, I am certainly looking forward to hearing reports of her launching an investigation into just how that Swiss bank account information was stolen (eye roll).

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