Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Certain Haiti Contributions made in 2010 are Deductible in 2009

A recently enacted law enables taxpayers to deduct on their 2009 tax return certain contributions made in 2010 to a qualified charity towards relief efforts in Haiti.
"The Senate unanimously passed legislation Thursday that will allow taxpayers to deduct cash donations to Haiti earthquake relief on their 2009 tax returns instead of having to wait to file the claims next year. Leaders of the House Ways and Means Committee from both parties introduced a bill Tuesday that makes contributions made between Jan. 12 and Feb. 28 count toward an individual's or family's 2009 taxes."
This bill basically enables the civic-minded among us to deduct our contributions to this effort a year early.

Everyone who thinks the U.S. federal government plays far too large a role in our day-to-day lives should strongly consider supporting private charities, as a way to show the Socialists among us that private citizens can, when necessary, meet the needs of our fellow man, without any government intervention.

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