Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hawaii attempts to increase its tax haul

Hawaii lawmakers are eyeing a new tax on oil as a back-door means to inflict a tax hike on its citizens.
"State lawmakers have advanced a bill that will hike the tax of every barrel of oil shipped into the state from 5 cents to $1.05 to start a special fund to promote energy independence and locally grown foods."
In fact, supporters indicate that it will "only" result in a cost of living increase to Hawaiian families of $100 per year. Detractors say the cost will be a lot higher.

You've got to hand it to these duplicitous politicians. They are afraid to hit their constituents with a tax hike in a straightforward and honest way, so instead they put the cost on "greedy" oil companies. But the oil companies in effect will merely shrug and simply pass those costs along to consumers.

Residents of the great state of Hawaii, contact your local representatives and insist they oppose this ridiculous measure.


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