Monday, February 8, 2010

Columnists' Weak Attempt to Justify a VAT

Shawn Tully, a senior editor at Fortune magazine, unhelpfully and unconvincingly inserts himself into the ongoing fiscal debate:
"The gigantic deficits the Administration is projecting are appalling, and they provide a chilling look at our future: America is hurtling towards a fiscal trap that is forcing us into the only option we'll have to restore budgetary sanity: A Value-Added Tax."
Seriously, a VAT is our only option at this point?!?

Shawn, here's what most Americans want to see you write about...a column on ways the government can reduce spending!

Let's face it: the day any non-Left Wing member of Congress (read: Pelosi and like-minded friends) sides with the VAT proponents and lends support to this tax-raising cause is the day they should start working diligently on their post-Congressional work plans. There's no way they would survive their next election challenge.

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