Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Op-Ed Faults Low Taxes for Nevada's Problems

Michael Wixom, a higher-up in the Nevada state education system, has (shockingly) declared that taxes in the state of Nevada are far too low!
"(T)hese additional and extreme budget cuts exacerbate the problem — they are not the solution. We will be dismantling much of what we have built, primarily for the sake of keeping tax rates low — the low tax rates that have been an illusory promise of prosperity."
Michael, let's not confuse the total amount of money spent on educational spending with educational results. If spending vast amounts of money on education actually did lead to superior results, we'd have scores of Nobel Laureates emerging from the Washington DC public school system every year.

In fact, if you want the people of the state of Nevada to submit to higher taxes, you better be prepared to disclose salaries, benefits and perks provided to the leadership of the Nevada public educational system and be prepared to slash those amounts where appropriate.

I think we can all agree that far too much of the so-called educational spending is not actually being spent directly on children, but rather to pay outsized salaries, benefits and pensions to bureaucrats. Enough is enough.

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