Thursday, February 11, 2010

Michigan attempts to put final nail in own coffin

In a move that should leave most sane observers shaking their collective heads, reports from Lansing, Michigan indicate that Governor Jennifer Granholm will propose a new tax on services.
"A sales tax on services or other revenue-raising measures to solve a projected $1.62 billion budget deficit could be included in the 2010-11 budget proposal".
Governor, let's get real. A new tax on services is not going to solve the problems created by an excess-spending, union-favoring, taxpayer-choking state budget.

In fact, one could make a solid argument that the last thing an economically-depressed state like Michigan needs is another level of taxation. This will only serve to further disincent people from working, and will likely send even more of the economy "underground" or, worse for the remaining citizens, out of state.

People in Michigan, it is in your own economic self-interest to contact your state representatives and tell them to do their part in helping to fix the state's ongoing economic problems by drastically reducing the overall cost of government, not increasing it with a new tax on services.


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