Thursday, February 11, 2010

Article Supporting Tea Party Movement

Mark Davis, a Dallas Morning News columnist and radio talk show host, had some favorable things to say about the Tea Party movement in a column today.
"The Tea Party movement is not driven by social conservatism. That doesn't mean you won't find plenty of tea partiers who are devout advocates of protecting the unborn and traditional marriage - it's just that the Tea Party engine is driven first and foremost by a desire to return government to its proper constitutional limits and run it with a lot less money. Anyone driven by that passion is welcome in any roomful of tea partiers, no matter what views they may hold about God and gays."
I think all Tea Partiers can agree with that. The federal government has expanded beyond all semblance of reality, and is now constantly looking for new and ingenious ways to insert itself into each citizen's everyday life.


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