Thursday, May 6, 2010

US Government Gives $656m to Pakistan?

At a time when US budget deficits are out of control, why is the American government taxing Americans in order to transfer over a half a billion dollars to Pakistan?
"The United States has released $656 million to Pakistan for some of the costs incurred last year in military operations against Taliban militants, a U.S. embassy spokesman said on Tuesday.

The funds are part of a program called the coalition support fund (CSF), a U.S. program used to reimburse countries that have incurred costs in supporting counter-terrorist and counter-insurgency operations.

Pakistan, a vital ally for the United States as it struggles to stabilize Afghanistan and end the global threat posed by al Qaeda and its allies, has been heavily burdened by the cost of battling Taliban insurgents along its Afghan border."

Given the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, it would be hard to argue that the Pakistani military has provided much help.

This money would have been better kept in the US to repay our public debt, in order to lessen the massive federal debts our future generations are already expected to repay.

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