Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Times Square Bombing Suspect and the "No Fly" List

Recent news reports show mounting frustration with the federal government's enforcement of the official "no fly" list, after the suspect in the recent Times Square bombing attempt was able to gain access to an airplane at JFK airport for a planned flight to the UAE before being pulled off the plane and arrested.
"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, while refusing to criticize agencies, said the suspect was "clearly on the plane and shouldn't have been." Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano declined to say how Shahzad was able to board the flight if he was on the no-fly list."
It's ironic that no one is alleging that the suspect boarded the plane with explosives or any other type of bomb-making or havoc-wreaking equipment.

How could he after having been strip-seached at security and possibly several points afterwards?

Perhaps the government should spare us the money and effort it puts into maintaining and updating these "no fly" lists, and focus on simply arresting these suspects when their whereabouts become known.

Better cooperation with other governments around the world, who would be more willing to help us if we weren't constantly saber-rattling at every perceived or imagined threat, could help us achieve that outcome.

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