Monday, April 26, 2010

Americans Pay SEC Staffers to Watch Porn

In another obnoxious display of the government wasting taxpayer money, senior staffers at the SEC apparently have been whittling away their time downloading and viewing pornographic material from the internet.
"A report from SEC Inspector General David Kotz charges that 33 employees or contractors spent time looking at online pornography "using computer resources and official time," CNN reported.

The IG said the instances took place over the last five years, including a time period in the last two years when the U.S. economy was believed to be teetering near failure."

It's bad enough that money is forcibly removed from our pocket as taxes in order to be transferred to incompetent bureaucrats for them to perform who-knows-what with it.

But we now we learn that these nameless regulators haven't actually been doing any regulating at all, but rather have been entertaining themselves with illicit downloads.

Assuredly there would be a much bigger outrage emanating from the Left if the porn-viewers were employed by a private company that was the recipient of a government contract.

In either case, it should be sufficient to cease all funding of that organization.



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