Wednesday, April 28, 2010

NJ HS Students Protest Budget Cuts

Yesterday high school students in New Jersey expressed support with teachers and school administrators and showed their opposition to proposed budget cuts by walking out of classes.
"Students at Rancocas Valley High School in Burlington County left school just before 8 a.m. to show their support for teachers in light of Governor Chris Christie's proposed education cuts in the state budget.

Last week, a majority of voters in New Jersey rejected 59 percent of school budgets in the state's 537 school districts."
It's not often that voters in New Jersey seek to reign in the costs of local education.
"It was the first time in 34 years that the majority of budgets were defeated."
It's ironic that in walking out of school, these kids are basically protesting the decision made by their parents to reject the local budgets.

Of course, the state teacher's union is grateful for the show of support and as such is egging the students on by basically likening their cause to Ghandi, Martin Luther King, etc. by referring to their behaviour as 'engaging in civil disobedience'.

Fundamentally, the grandstanding that took place will prove to be an empty show of support by easily-manipulated kids who do not understand the economics of what they are protesting and who do not understand the anger of taxpayers who are fed up with shoveling increasing amounts of their money towards overpaid, overstaffed bureaucracies.

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