Thursday, April 1, 2010

Democrats Plummeting in Polls

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll shows that Americans increasingly do not think Democrats are up to the task of fixing the economy.
"A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday indicates 48 percent of Americans say Republicans in Congress would do a better job dealing with the economy, compared to 45 percent for Democrats. That's a switch from last August, when Democrats held a 52 percent to 39 percent advantage on the economy."
Some of the decline of course can be attributed to the fact that Democrats now "own" the state of the economy, at least more so than when they originally took control of Congress and the White House.

But their declining poll results also have to be attributed to the policies they have enacted since taking office en masse, health care in particular. Voters know that the health care mandate is no panacea for a slumping economy, and will heap untold costs on companies that are forced to comply with its provisions.

Unfortunately however, voters think Republicans are potentially the answer to the country's economic woes.

Although some of the Republican policies are pro-growth and helpful, the only way to get back to a truly sound, thriving economy is by eschewing Republicans and Democrats alike and going with the freedom-loving, free market Libertarians (Ron Pauli in particular).

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