Thursday, March 25, 2010

Threats Made Against Members of Congress

Democratic members of Congress are complaining that they are on the receiving end of threats of violence related to the recently-passed health care legislation.
"House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is voicing concern about threats of reprisal that some congressmen are getting in connection with the health care bill.

The Maryland Democrat didn't single out any lawmaker or political party in speculating about what might have fomented incidents of harassment. But he did say Thursday that lawmakers are taking threats "very seriously" and said he is concerned about them."

The only specific example cited was a brick that was thrown through the window of the Niagara Falls, NY district office of Louise Slaughter, and which apparently injured no one.

On a positive note, if Democrats believe in the "broken window" economic fallacy (like they believe in other economic claptrap, such as Keynes' economic theory), which in general terms holds that a broken window isn't such a bad thing for the economy as a whole since although it harms the person whose window was broken, it creates work for the glassmaker, then maybe they should consider Ms. Slaughter's broken window as not such a bad thing.

For now, I'll let James Ostrowski have the last word on why the complaining being done over these "threats" will likely fall on deaf ears with most Americans.

"Congress just passed a law threatening to send thugs to peoples’ homes to do violence if they fail to buy health insurance, yet many of them are now complaining about being threatened for doing so. And all with zero sense of irony."


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