Thursday, March 18, 2010

NY To Delay Tax Refunds

In yet another sign that states' budget deficits are increasingly untenable, New York state has announced that it will delay refunding 2009 tax refunds.
"For hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, the check won't be in the mail -- at least not on time. New York State has stopped paying tax refunds and won't start again until next month.

Message to New Yorkers: don't start spending your tax refund money because it's going to be delayed."
Anyone want to guess how this arrangement would go over if it was the taxpayer who was declining to send money to the state?

This abuse of taxpayers has got to stop. New York state politicians, and politicians from all others states that are just like it, must be given a stinging reminder in November's elections that the taxpayer is the master of the politician, not the other way around.

The days of chronic overspending at the state and federal level must end.

Politicians that use taxpayer's hard-earned money as currency in order to ensure their own reelection must be unceremoniously removed from office.

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