Saturday, March 6, 2010

Oregon Candidate for Governor Threatens Fiscal Doomsday on State

Bill Bradbury, running for Governor of Oregon, recently made campaign-related promises that should send chills down the spine of every tax-paying citizen of Oregon.

"Bradbury delivered a fiery, emotion-packed speech, promising to add $2 billion to public school budgets by trimming 5 percent off the tax credits and deductions the state offers.

“It is time to stop making excuses and to start fully funding education in this state,” Bradbury said. He criticized Kitzhaber for failing to support a plan that would give schools an immediate and dramatic infusion of cash.

“My opponent says fully funding education is just a slogan,” Bradbury said, referring to himself as the sole optimist in the race. “I gotta tell you, I categorically reject that cynicism.”"

Oregon has a projected multi-billion budget deficit, which will not be fixed with new taxes. Candidates for office in Oregon need to disclose how they plan to fix that problem and not propose new spending that will only add to the fiscal woes.

Voters in Oregon would be wise to reject Mr. Bradbury and his plan to bury them with even more taxes. But if they don't, they will be getting exactly what they deserve.

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