Saturday, February 27, 2010

Americans: We're not Keynesians Any More

A recent Rasmussen Reports poll shows that Americans believe that tax cuts, not government spending increases, is the way to improve job creation and fix the economy.
"As the economy continues to stumble along, 59% of voters believe cutting taxes is better than increasing government spending as a job-creation tool."
Unfortunately, most Americans believe (rightfully so) that government will use the latter approach.
"72% expect the nation’s elected politicians to increase spending instead."
What's refreshing is that the random Americans interviewed as part of this poll seem to have a better grasp on economics than the paid government economists who have been over-engineering the U.S. economy for the last 80 years.
"Eighty-three percent (83%) of Americans say the size of the federal budget deficit is due more to the unwillingness of politicians to cut government spending than to the reluctance of taxpayers to pay more in taxes."
Although there's not whole lot of reason to be optimistic in thinking that the government's excessive role in the economy will be reversed any time soon, this poll's results show that Americans are increasingly starting to "get it", and there's hope this will be reflected in election results later this year.

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