Friday, February 26, 2010

Black Caucus Opposes Recent Jobs Bill

The Congressional Black Caucus has come out in opposition to the Jobs Bill that recently passed the Senate.
"I'm offended that it's been called a jobs bill," CBC Vice Chairman Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) told reporters. "I will not stand up in the district that I represent... and say we just did a jobs bill. I think people are smarter than that. This is a tax cut bill and a little piece of a transportation bill."
It is wonderful news that the Black Caucus is coming out forcibly against the Senate window dressing evidenced by this bill and is looking for real, tangible, concrete action from Congress on jobs.

Unfortunately for the Black Caucus, what would really create jobs at this point is a set of permanent, long-lasting economic policies that they would more than likely find to be unpalatable to their personal beliefs and to their primary benefactors:

1) Sharply reduced individual and corporate tax rates
2) Reduced government regulation
3) Elimination of minimum wage laws
4) Significant down-sizing of government bureaucracies

These are just a few of the measures that, if taken, would put all Americans back on the road to prosperity and create the jobs the Black Caucus talks about being in favor of.

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