Monday, February 22, 2010

CNN Poll: "System is Broken"

The results of a recent poll taken by CNN and Opinion Research Corp. show that 86% of Americans believe that the "system of government is broken".

At the time of this posting it was unclear how the actual question was worded that elicited this type of response.

However, it's fair to project that a significant portion of the poll responders believe that government is "broken" because gridlock exists in Washington and consequently their pet policy (health care reform, tax hikes, etc.) has not been implemented.

On the other hand, there assuredly is a healthy component of poll responders who believe that government is "broken" as a result of the seemingly endless deficits created by our representatives, and as a result of an outsized portion of their property being taken in the form of taxation.

My take is that that there is no question that the system is currently broken. It's broken because too many people try to use the democratic system of government as a way to line their own pockets, and it's broken because too many people attempt to use government as a means of plundering other people to pay for their own ideals and beliefs on other people.

It's time to reclaim the role of government from those that use it for nefarious means.



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