Friday, February 19, 2010

Radical Anti-Tax Groups Growing as a Threat?

In a predictable knee-jerk reaction to the lone act of a crazed murderer who launched his airplane into an IRS building in Austin, all people who believe Americans are over-taxed are now in danger of being labeled as menaces to public safety.
"Experts are pointing to the incident as further evidence of what they say is a proliferation of anti-government militia groups.

There is a real rage out there, and this terrible attack may be a reflection of that," Mark Potok, the director of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project, said in a statement to The SPLC has been studying the resurgence in anti-government militias and groups, which it attributes to a perfect storm of economic, political and social factors."

I think we can all agree that what Joseph Stack did yesterday was a heinous and reprehensible crime. But the SPLC's jump to paint all anti-tax protesters with the same brush does a serious disservice to those anti-tax, anti-big government supporters of the non-violent persuasion.

Americans who desire to see our government scaled back to a size vastly smaller than it is today will remain strident and unbowed in their opposition to big government, and will not allow criminals who attempt to join the cause to dissuade them from their enthusiasm for the fight.

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