Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Washington State Voters Rally Against Tax Hikes

In a warning to their entrenched state lawmakers, thousands of Washington state taxpayers rallied yesterday to protest against any new state taxes.
"Thousands of taxpayers rallied in the state capital Monday, promising a reckoning in November if lawmakers and Gov. Chris Gregoire move ahead with proposals to raise taxes."
In an interesting plot twist, a counter-rally then occurred in which proponents of a tax increase gathered to send the opposite message.
"The anti-tax forces had hardly dispersed before an even bigger crowd of students, unionized workers and others gathered with the opposite message: The state should bring in more money so it can preserve vital services."
These competing rallies foreshadow the oncoming tax battles to be held at the state level throughout the country

First, taxpayers tired of giving up their hard-earned property rally to attempt to dissuade state government from taking even more of their property.

Then, beneficiaries of the state's theft rally to insist that yes, more goods should be stolen from taxpayers.

Those on the receiving end of the state's largess, particularly union members and students, need to start looking for alternative ways to support themselves since taxpayer's of all stripes are growing increasingly weary of their demands for more assistance.

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