Saturday, February 13, 2010

Oregon Gov Looks to End Automatic Tax Rebates

The Democratic Governor of Oregon wants to "reform" the state's Kicker rebate program, by putting more money that would otherwise be refunded into a reserve fund.

The Oregon tax rebate, commonly referred to as the kicker, is a rebate given to both individual and corporate taxpayers when a revenue surplus exists. The Oregon Constitution mandates that the rebate be issued when the calculated revenue for a given biennium exceeds the forecast revenue by at least two percent.

For now, it does not look this proposal has gained much momentum and likely will not garner significant attention from lawmakers during the current session.

Gov. Kulongoski is no different than most politicians that think that governments should take more and more of taxpayer's money, and spend it on what they think is important.

For people in Oregon concerned about the State taking even more of their hard-earned dollars, it pays to be vigilant and it makes sense to ensure lawmakers know what you think on this issue.

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