Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mayor Vows to Re-Open Union Contracts

In a sign that some government officials are starting to understand what their recent fiscal woes are attributable to, Mayor Linda Thompson of Harrisburg, PA has recently vowed to 're-open' overly-generous union contracts.
"What Mayor Thompson won't stand by is the amount of overtime for public safety eating away at taxpayers' money. When it comes to snowstorms, floods and other emergencies in the city, the mayor says overtime is acceptable, not on a day-to-day basis though.

"What I am going to do is put the unions on notice that those contracts are going to get re-opened," said Thompson."
Harrisburg faces a $160m projected deficit over the next 5 years, and recently had its bond rating severely downgraded by Moody's.

Although Mayor Thompson should expect major resistance from entrenched union interests opposed to her move, the proposal is exactly the first step the city of Harrisburg should be taking to get their finances back in order. Drop her a note to show your support for her efforts.

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