Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Senator Bunning Says "No"!

Senator Jim Bunning's (R-KY) recent attempt to force the federal government to find $10b (in the form of a spending reduction in some part of the budget) to offset a proposed tax credit has been met with criticism and ridicule.

The Washington Post's Dana Millbank suggests that Senator Bunning is crazy.

Perhaps it's unfortunate that 2,000 federal workers have had to be furloughed while this debate continues.

It's unfair however to blame this on Senator Bunning. Yes, it would it be nice if Senator Bunning had always been a solid champion of budget cuts. That is not the case, and his critics are vilifying him for "selectively" making an issue of out-of-control federal spending now.

In his defense, Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, have not made a serious effort to bring the budget under control in decades. For any of them to criticize one man effort's, however selective and however devoid of any real teeth where deficits are counted in the trillions of dollars, is the real issue.

Good for Jim Bunning.


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