Thursday, March 4, 2010

Senate Rejects Obama Effort to Bribe Seniors

In a rare display of fiscal sanity, the Senate defeated an effort by President Obama that would have seen $250 checks disbursed to the elderly, veterans and disabled.
"A measure to give some 57 million elderly people, veterans and persons with disabilities a $250 check was rejected by the Senate on Wednesday, a setback for the powerful seniors' lobby.

President Barack Obama has called for Congress to approve the payments to make up for their benefits not increasing this year, but the Senate defeated it 50 to 47.

The payments would have added $13 billion to a $108 billion job-creation package pending in the Senate."

Although it would be nice if the Senate were to routinely demonstrate fiscal austerity on much bigger issues, it's certainly a nice start.

If President Obama wants to bribe the American people into supporting him and his party, he should look to use his own campaign contributions, not tax dollars of ordinary Americans.


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