Monday, March 15, 2010

Tax Cut Pledge Showdown in Texas

Taxpayers in Texas are left with two choices for governor in the upcoming election. One candidate, incumbent Republican Governor Rick Perry has signed an anti-tax-increase pledge, while his opponent, Democrat Bill White refuses to do so.

"White says he's not tax-happy and wants to scrub the budget of waste. But he won't take the tax issue off the table, recently telling a Texas Tribune forum that he needs to “look under the hood” before deciding how to approach the problem."

The choice in Texas is pretty stark, and should be easy for voters to decide on.

One does not need to "look under the hood" to know that spending in Texas can easily be cut in order to balance the state budget.

Saying that one needs more time, in effect a statement that taxpayers should "elect me first, and then I'll let you know!" shows that candidate White has not studied the budget and spending plans in sufficient detail and signals that he in fact intends to raise taxes if elected.

Taxpayers in Texas have been forewarned.

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