Saturday, March 6, 2010

New Jersey Governor Off to an Impressive Start

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is off to an impressive start in his first few months in office. He's attacking spending, considering targeted tax cuts and generally has the left-wing in an uproar.

"In nine days, Gov. Chris Christie will present a budget that attempts to reverse everything from the Corzine years.

Working families will be thrown off health care programs. Bus and train fares will go up by 25 percent. School aid will likely be slashed, a blow that will land hardest on lower-income districts that depend on Trenton most. Even unemployment checks will get the squeeze. And all that won’t get him even halfway to a balanced budget."

Notice the loaded language: that people will be "thrown off" various health care programs. Yep, I'd say the formerly powerful left-wing is getting more and more upset that their carefully crafted socialist programs are being discarded or at least not fully funded.

And why shouldn't they be? New Jersey is one of the highest tax states in the Union. Taxpayers in that state are already being taxed to death.

Just because politicians, in a bid to be reelected, made outlandish promises of money they didn't have to people looking to be subsidized by others, doesn't mean that those promises must be kept.

Politicians should keep in mind that taxpayers are not willing to follow through on all of their grand plans, especially if doing so will send said taxpayer to the poor house.

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