Monday, March 22, 2010

Obama Administration Pats Itself on Back Over Tax Refunds

Vice President Biden and IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman have recently been in the news announcing the average tax refund for Americans has gone up by almost 10% from last year.
"Biden said that this new data is “welcome news for an awful lot of Americans” and the tax refund checks will not just be a boost to their bank accounts.

“For hardworking folks, this extra cash in their pockets in tight times can make an astounding difference in terms of their attitudes as well,” the vice president said.

IRS Commission Douglas Shulman said that the average tax refund this year is $3,036, up $266 from a year ago. Shulman credited the Recovery Act as a “major factor” behind the increase."

Hey, wait a second.....people actually want their tax dollars returned to them by the government?!? I thought we all wanted to have it spent for us by our uncle in Washington, on national health care, unemployment assistance, F-22's, and other assorted goodies?

There probably won't be too much crowing about the size of tax refund checks in ensuing years when the Bush tax cuts expire.

Any taxpayer who likes spending their own money (and doesn't want the cabal in DC doing it for them) should take a good, long look at Libertarian candidates running for office in November.

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