Thursday, May 27, 2010

Senator Kerry: Tea Partiers are Hypocrites

In a nonesensical statement by a man who has made a career out of the same, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) recently remarked that Americans that are angry at Washington are being hypocritical.
"But he said that the D.C.-directed attacks are hypocritical, since many of those attacking Washington spending presumably want to keep their Social Security and Medicare and want Washington to play a big role in the Gulf Oil cleanup. "There's a huge contradiction on a daily basis," he said."
So because Tea Partiers believe that politicians in Washington are overspending in a multitude of areas, it's hypocritical for some of them to support any type of spending that is undertaken from Washington?

I think the essential issue here is that Mr. Kerry does not understand the Tea Party, does not understand why it has sprung into existence and does not understand the issues that its supporters believe are important.

Many Tea Partiers (myself included) would support making Social Security and Medicare contributions voluntary and not mandatory (of course, that would mean we were not able to receive those benefits either, to the extent we did not "contribute"). Any many Tea Partiers believe that regulators in Washington or at the state level in Louisiana should oversee the clean-up efforts being undertaken by BP (which at least has access to cutting edge technology, and is not bogged down in red tape like government bureaucrats would be) but not play a "big role" (which in his definition presumably means taking over the clean-up process).

The fact is, Senator Kerry and the Democrats ignore and mock the Tea Party at their own peril, and risk a devastating defeat in November.

As for why the Tea Party has just now come to life, it was one thing for the overspending to be approved by previous Administrations (i.e., Reagan, Bush 2) that were pro-growth and kept taxes somewhat low, which created the hope that once we got spending under control we could grow our way out of the mess. It's quite another for the Obama Administration to overspend, have no pro-growth policies and talk of massive tax hikes (e.g., repeal of Bush tax cuts, European-style VAT, etc.) as a means to fulfill their statist agenda.

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