Saturday, May 22, 2010

NJ Governor Christie Impresses Again

New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie once again demonstrated excellent fiscal sanity, by rejecting a "millionaires tax" that had been proposed by New Jersey lawmakers.

The vote came within minutes of the Democratic Assembly passing a bill that they projected would raise over $500m, but be immediately spent on various items.
"The Assembly voted 46-32 to pass a bill that would raise taxes on income over $1 million to pay for property tax rebates and prescription drug benefits for seniors and the disabled."
Christie's response while vetoing the bill was priceless:
"While I have little doubt that the sponsors and supporters of this bill sincerely believe that the state can tax its way out of this financial crisis, I believe that this bill does nothing more than repeat the failed, irresponsible and unsustainable fiscal policies of the past," wrote Christie in his veto statement. "Now is not the time for more of the same. Ultimately, another tax increase will punish the state’s struggling small businesses and set our economy further back from recovery."
Why are there so few Chris Christie's (i.e., elected men and women with some fiscal sense and a backbone) in statewide and national office around the country?

Every state needs a Chris Christie running it, to stand up to special interest unions, corporations and citizens demanding more and more handouts and sweetheart deals from government.

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