Saturday, May 22, 2010

BCS Head Stands Up to the US Senate

In a time when members of Congress think they should weigh in on any contemporary issue that interests them (instead of, you know, focusing on their Constitutionally-mandated responsibilities), it's refreshing to hear of a person in a position of national renown in effect publicly and plainly telling them to spend their time on other issues, rather than pliantly responding to their missives like most would.

Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), and Max Baucus (D-MT) started the exchange recently when they sent a letter to the BCS.

"Their letter, which was posted on Hatch’s official Web site, asks for details about how the BCS calculates which conferences get automatic bowl bids, how money will be divvied up under a new TV deal and what sort of legal status the organization has."
BCS executive director Bill Hancock responded as follows:
“I’m looking forward to taking a longer look at the letter. I sure do think that Congress has more important things to do, with all the issues facing our country,” Hancock said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. “The BCS is fair. Access is fair. Revenue is distributed fairly. And frankly, we welcome the opportunity to tell our story every chance we get.”
I couldn't agree more with Hancock.

Perhaps if Messrs' Hatch and Baucus would spend more time thinking about ways to reduce our budget deficit and less time worrying about whether certain colleges can compete for the college football championship game, we wouldn't be in quite the financial pickle we find ourselves as a country today.

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