Tuesday, October 12, 2010

No Tax Hikes = Snake Oil Politics?!?

Memo to President Obama: when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!

President Obama continues to flail away at Republicans, accusing them of "peddling snake oil", primarily due to their refusal to raise taxes on high-income Americans.
"...Obama accused Republicans on Monday of peddling "snake oil" in their campaigns to gain power in Congress on November 2 and urged Democrats to get motivated about the elections.

Obama appeared at two Democratic fund-raisers that raised $1 million at the seaside home of former NBA basketball star Alonzo Mourning. The crowd included such NBA luminaries as Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh and former player Magic Johnson.

In a pair of speeches, Obama singled out the "Pledge to America," a list of priorities House Republicans say they will pursue if they win control of the House in the elections.

He said a Republican push for an extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for all Americans would include $700 billion for wealthier citizens, money he said would be better spent helping to bolster the sagging U.S. economy.

Obama wants to limit the tax cuts to families making under $250,000 a year and a fierce partisan battle is being waged over their future. "They are peddling the same snake oil as they were peddling before," Obama said."

This type of rhetoric is not going to sway many American towards thinking that President Obama can "fix" the economy.

Instead of trying to get the federal government off of the backs of Americans, he is proposing to do just the opposite.

Unlike Obama's view, most rational people would agree that higher taxes do not bring prosperity. Unless your view of prosperity is the former workers paradises of the USSR, East Germany, etc., where tax rates were effectively 100%.

It's no wonder why the Democratic Party is headed for a historic beat-down in just a few weeks.



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