Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Obama Takes Correct Stance on Ground Zero Mosque

President Obama can't be wrong all the time, apparently. Although his economic and fiscal decisions since taking office last year have generally been disastrous, at least he has thought through the latest political fray and advised an appropriate outcome.
"Weighing in for the first time on the emotionally charged issue, President Barack Obama gave his blessing Friday to a Muslim group's plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero in New York, saying, "This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakeable."

In making his case for supporting the Cordoba House project, Obama, who once taught constitutional law, referred to the Constitution and the words of Thomas Jefferson .

"As a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country," Obama said. "That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan , in accordance with local laws and ordinances."

Of course Muslims have the same rights in the US and under the Constitution that members of other religions have.

What's important to note here is that President Obama represents all Americans, and as such should not be stepping in to favor one or another.

However, in times when the bully pulpit is called for, a President's default action should be to come down on the side of liberty and freedom.

That is just what he did. The decision of whether to build a mosque or not near Ground Zero is a decision that should be made by the owners of that private property, not the federal government, not the New York State government and not the local governments in New York City.

Too often people attempt to use the raw power of the federal government as a blunt instrument to achieve their own goals, whatever those might be. This is particularly true of President Obama, his party and their supporters.

President Obama for once did the wise thing and counseled all of those contesting the issue that the federal government comes down on the side of freedom and private property rights.

This will most likely be the only occasion for celebrating something he achieved during his entire presidency.

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