Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Obama Brags Of His Own Politicking Skills

President Obama recently warned Republicans that he was going into campaign mode, and reminded them of his supposed prowess in "politicking".

In reference to the upcoming November congressional elections, Obama said: "Well, we can politick for three months. They forgot I'm pretty good at politicking."

The speech repeated the main campaign themes Obama has mentioned in recent months, particularly his assessment of GOP proposals as a repeat of failed policies from the previous administration.

Republicans are counting on voter "amnesia," the president said.

He framed the choice for voters as a decision on whether to return to policies that brought the recession or continue with policies that are "getting us out of this mess."

The narcissism the President demonstrates is simply staggering.

Yes, he did a very good job rising from complete obscurity to the office of the President in the manner of a few short years.

But much of that can be atttributed to mouthing platitudes that people simply won't buy this time around.

He's going to have to show himself to be a man of substance, not just one who throws taxpayer money around willy-nilly in order to "fix" problems.

And if he keeps saying his policies have gotten the country "out of this mess", in the face of near 10% unemployment and skyrocketing federal budget deficits, then he and his party are in for a much bigger beating in the November elections that anyone currently appreciates.

There's a reason that Democrats up for reelection are avoiding any association with him, and it's because they realize he and his failed policies are a massive liability.



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