Monday, July 12, 2010

Democrat-controlled House in Jeopardy?

President Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs said over the weekend that the Democratic Party's control of the US House of Representative may be lost following elections in November.
"President Barack Obama's party could lose its House majority in this fall's elections, his spokesman said Sunday, perhaps trying to jolt Democratic voters with the specter of GOP lawmakers rolling back White House policies.

"I think there's no doubt there are enough seats in play that could cause Republicans to gain control. There's no doubt about that," press secretary Robert Gibbs told NBC's "Meet the Press."

Democrats now hold a 255-178 edge in the House, with two vacancies in the 435-member chamber. Anywhere from 40 to perhaps 60 House seats could be competitive by the fall. Republicans would need to take back about 40 seats to slip into the majority, placing the current GOP leader, Ohio Rep. John Boehner, in line to replace Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as speaker."

Let's face it. Democrats deserve to get slaughtered in the upcoming elections. At some point, they have to be held accountable by the American people for the economic mess we find ourselves in.

Unemployment has staggered up to 10% on their watch, and has stubbornly stayed in that range. Democratic policies have been designed to "preserve jobs" at the expense of creating a hospitable environment of low taxes and overall low governmental interference in business.

Not to mention their decades-long approach of rewarding their supporters with government largess or boondoggles, which has only expanded our public debt.

Their legacy of constantly expanding the reach and cost of government is precisely why as a country we are in this economic bind we find ourselves in.

Although dramatically restricting the ability of government to meddle in our lives is ultimately the correct way to put the country back on the road to prosperity and freedom, booting Democrats from office come November would be an excellent start.

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