Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Obama to EU: Don't Even Think About Balancing That Budget

President Obama has time and time again demonstrated that he simply does not care what his current tax and spend economic policies auger for future generations. Now he is openly encouraging Europeans to similarly act recklessly.
"President Obama wants to slow Europe's headlong rush to austerity. But right now he looks like little more than a speed bump for the cutback crowd.

Obama has sought to use the upcoming meeting of the Group of 20 global finance ministers in Canada this weekend as a rallying cry for more fiscal stimulus. He argues that cutting government spending now risks undermining a fragile recovery in debt-soaked Western economies."

So the whole key to solving our current economic predicament is to have the government print and spend more money? Really, it's that simple!?! Taken to its logical conclusion, Communist Russia should have ended up the wealthiest place on earth. But it didn't quite work out that way.

President Obama is simply the most recent of a long list of governmental do-gooders that think that they know better where to spend people's money than those same people do.

So now we're left with a situation where the federal government is bailing out this industry and that industry, and the overall enconomy is still in shambles with nothing to show for that entire effort except for a lot of extra debt that will have to be repaid, one way or another, by future generations.

Once again, Americans are subjected to being ruled by a band of thugs who never seem to grasp the reality that national prosperity is not remotely built upon a platform of taxation and government spending.

Until Americans rise up and shrug off this thieving pack of fools in the November elections, expect more and more "helpful programs" to emerge as politicians attempt to buy off enough votes to hopefully remain in office for another term.

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