Saturday, June 19, 2010

Is Obama Spending Too Much Time On the Links?

Recent reports and opinions suggest that President Obama has in general been spending far too much time on the golf course since taking office, and in particular since the BP oil spill.
"Taking a page from conservative bloggers, the Republican National Committee has released an ad criticizing President Obama for playing six rounds of golf in the first 58 days of the massive BP oil spill. The ad — asking, "What took so long?" — suggests Obama put off meeting with BP so he could spend time on the course. Is it fair to accuse Obama of putting leisure first, and the disaster second?
Count me among those in the minority who think that the more time that President Obama spends on the golf course, the better!

Who needs him in the White House, dreaming up new taxes and regulations to further paralyze the American economy?

The US needs a figure-head President, not an activist that is constantly looking for ways to waste people's hard-earned money on yet another failed social project.

With his birthday coming up on August 4th, if you really care about the fate of this country, you'll send him some golf gear as a present that will serve to reinforce his love for the game and get him out on the greens even more often!

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