Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Small Businesses Face SkyrocketingTax Costs

The ability of the federal and state government to continue to force small businesses to pay more and more in taxes for their social utopia is increasingly in question.

"America's jobs growth engine is being choked to death.

A record 25 percent increase in the taxes against US small businesses -- from costs associated with new health care law, to an increased Medicare tax, increased capital gains taxes and higher state and city taxes -- is repealing any ability of these entrepreneurs to add jobs to their payroll.

And the numbers for New York's small- to medium-sized business are just as harrowing."

It's complete and total hubris for the elected clowns in Washington DC to increasingly burden small businesses with higher taxes, and then expect those same businesses to be able to hire more workers.

The first order of business for sane-thinking Americans is to throw those bums out of office, elect politicians who don't expect hard-working Americans to pay for the existence of other Americans, and move our economy squarely over to free-market, low-taxed principles.

In order to emerge from the current recession, it's becoming increasingly clear that we are going to need a 2010 version of the 1980's Ronald Reagan.

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