Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Phoenix to impose tax on food!

Upwards of 14 tax-hungry states charge sales tax on food.

The other states exempt food from sales tax, mainly because it's considered to be a regressive tax (disproportionately hitting the income of lower-income folks) and generally unfair to tax something so critical to life itself.

The City of Phoenix recently announced their intention to charge a 2% sales tax on food. Like all taxes, this one promises to start small and increase from there.

One of the leading proponents is in full-spin mode: "Councilman Michael Nowakowski, an early supporter of the tax: "We're investing in our kids, we're investing in our seniors, we're investing in our libraries and our parks. We're investing in our future."

Hey Michael, let's not kid yourself about doing any sort of investing, you're stealing money from residents and using that money to prop up your cronies in the local unions.

The people of Phoenix would be well-served to throw all of these tax-eaters out of office at their next opportunity, and vote to severely scale back benefits paid to city workers.

This is all the more reason for people of all cities and states to start their own backyard garden, and grow as much of their own food as possible.

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Blogger Unknown said...

This is the best tax blog I have found.
Go, Taxman, go!

Bogota, Colombia

February 9, 2010 at 2:11 PM  

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